Labor Trafficking in Supply Chains
A briefing on the presence of labor trafficking within supply chains. Opportunitites for civil society, consumers, government, and corporations to reduce the risk of labor trafficking are addressed.
Search for resources in the National Human Trafficking Hotline’s Resource Library below.
Additional training and technical assistance resources can be found by visiting the following sites:
National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center
NHTTAC is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office on Trafficking in Persons. NHTTAC delivers training and technical assistance (T/TA) to inform and enhance the public health response to human trafficking.
Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center
RHYTTAC is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) as the training and technical assistance provider for all runaway and homeless youth (RHY) grantees.
Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center
OVC TTAC is a component of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs. OVC TTAC serves as the gateway to current training and technical assistance for victim service providers and allied professionals who serve crime victims.
A briefing on the presence of labor trafficking within supply chains. Opportunitites for civil society, consumers, government, and corporations to reduce the risk of labor trafficking are addressed.
A study examining San Diego County's population of migrant farmworkers who have been trafficked. This study examines the types of trafficking experienced and the condition faced by victims in this region.
A tool for Child Protective Investigators to better understand human trafficking elements during screenings.
An information kit for Department of Children and Families personnel to identify that a child may be trafficked and respond accordingly/
A toolkit for prosecutors on building strong cases of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Toolkit address the processes of building a case, educating the jury, and bringing victim-centered cases forward.
Discussion paper about the lack of recognition of the commercial sexual exploitation of boys in the United States, identifying challenges and recommendations
An article in the American Journal of Nursing on critical ways nurses can help victims of trafficking. The article defines human trafficking, identifies human trafficking indicators, and related health risks to victims of trafficking.
A study about the entrance of pimps into the commercial sex industry, the organization of their business, how they interacted with law enforcement, and why they left prostitution. This study is based on the responses from interviews from 25 ex-pimps in the Chicago, Il area.
A white paper offering reccomendations on how companies can implement strategies to reduce compliance risks associated with labor trafficking. It identifies how corruption, bribery and other conducts can been associted with human trafficking and cause liabilities to companies subjected to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
A statistically validated screening tool for victims of human trafficking. The screening tool encompasses both labor and sex trafficking; adult and child victims; foreign nationals and U.S. citizens. Available in long form or short form. Also available in Spanish. Full research report is also available from the website.
This online Referral Directory is made up of anti-trafficking organizations and programs that offer emergency, transitional, or long-term services to victims and survivors of human trafficking as well as those that provide resources and opportunities in the anti-trafficking field.
signals were received by the Hotline in 2021. Includes calls, texts, and online chats and tips.