Covenant House New York and Fordham University's Applied Developmental Psychology Department developed a scientifically validated screening tool to identfy trafficked youth. Covenant House implemented this tool, survey a random sample of youth between 18 and 23 years old. This report details the experiences of homeless youth who have experienced human trafficking.
Homelessness, Survival Sex and Human Trafficking: As Experienced by the Youth of Covenant House New York
May 1, 2013
Covenant House New York
National Human Trafficking Referral Directory
Este Directorio de referencias en línea está compuesto de organizaciones y programas contra la trata de personas que ofrecen servicios de emergencia, de transición o de largo plazo a las víctimas y sobrevivientes de la trata de personas. También incluye organizaciones que proporcionan recursos y oportunidades en el area de la lucha contra la trata de personas.
Human Trafficking Hotline Statistics
signals were received by the Hotline in 2021. Includes calls, texts, and online chats and tips.